import os # OS Locations import yaml # YAML parser for Bot config files import asyncio # Discord Py Dependency import discord # Main Lib from discord.ext import commands # Commands module from discord_slash import SlashCommand, SlashContext, cog_ext, utils # Slash Command Library from discord_slash.utils.manage_commands import create_choice, create_option, create_permission # Slash Command features from discord_slash.model import SlashCommandPermissionType, ButtonStyle from discord_slash.client import SlashCommand from discord_slash.utils.manage_components import create_select, create_select_option, create_actionrow, wait_for_component, create_button, create_actionrow from bot import configFile, yaml_load, yaml_dump, cogsDir, unloadCog, dataFile, lookupFile, gmFile, categoriesFile, pitchesFile, loadCog #### Pitch Command class Pitch(commands.Cog, name='Pitch Command'): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client conf=yaml_load(configFile) permissions={} guild_ids = list(set.intersection(set([int(guildKey) for guildKey in yaml_load(configFile) if yaml_load(configFile)[guildKey]['timeslots']]),set([int(guildKey) for guildKey in yaml_load(configFile) if 'bot' in yaml_load(configFile)[guildKey]['roles'] and type(yaml_load(configFile)[guildKey]['roles']['bot']) is int]))) for guildID in guild_ids: permissions[guildID] = [] permissions[guildID].append(create_permission(id=conf[str(guildID)]['owner'],id_type=SlashCommandPermissionType.USER,permission=True)) for admin in conf[str(guildID)]['roles']['admin']: permissions[guildID].append(create_permission(id=admin,id_type=SlashCommandPermissionType.ROLE,permission=True)) permissions[guildID] = [] permissions[guildID].append(create_permission(id=conf[str(guildID)]['owner'],id_type=SlashCommandPermissionType.USER,permission=True)) for admin in conf[str(guildID)]['roles']['admin']: permissions[guildID].append(create_permission(id=admin,id_type=SlashCommandPermissionType.ROLE,permission=True)) @cog_ext.cog_slash( name='pitch', description='Designates the various key roles referenced by the Bot.', default_permission=False, permissions=permissions, guild_ids=guild_ids, ) async def _pitch(self, ctx:SlashContext): await conf = yaml_load(configFile) data = yaml_load(dataFile) lookup = yaml_load(lookupFile) gms = yaml_load(gmFile) categories = yaml_load(categoriesFile) guildStr = str( pitches = yaml_load(pitchesFile) if guildStr not in pitches: pitches[guildStr] = {} if pitches[guildStr]: await ctx.send(f'```Error: pitches are already running for the guild `{}`. Please close the existing pitches first before issuing this command.```') return if 'timeslots' not in conf[guildStr]: conf[guildStr]['timeslots'] = {} tsDict = {k: conf[guildStr]['timeslots'][k] for k in data[guildStr] if data[guildStr][k]} optionsList = [create_select_option(label=tsDict[x], value=x, description=x) for x in tsDict] try: m = await ctx.send( content='```Select which time slot for which you would like to run pitches for.```', delete_after=5, components=[ create_actionrow( create_select( placeholder='Time Slot', options= optionsList, min_values=1, max_values=1 ) ) ] ) while True: select_ctx = await wait_for_component(self.client,messages=m, timeout=5) if != await select_ctx.send(f'```Invalid response: you are not the person who issued the command.```', hidden=True) else: break await m.delete() [timeslot] = select_ctx.selected_options except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(f'```Error: Command timed out.```', hidden=True) return await p = discord.PermissionOverwrite() p.read_messages = False p.send_messages = False await reason=f'/pitch command issued by {}', overwrites = { ctx.guild.default_role: p } ) if timeslot not in pitches[guildStr]: pitches[guildStr][timeslot] = {} pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['indices'] = {} pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['entries'] = [x for x in data[guildStr][timeslot].values()] pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['entries'].sort(key= lambda x: x['game_title']) header_message = await content=f'**Game listing for {conf[guildStr]["timeslots"][timeslot]}**\n_ _```The following are the games that are being pitched. Please select which game you would like to join by clicking on the `Join` button below.```' ) pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['header_message'] = pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['messages'] = [] pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['roles'] = {} for index, element in enumerate(pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['entries']): gm = await self.client.fetch_user(element["gm"]) o = f'_ _\n***{element["game_title"]}*** (GM: {gm.mention})\n```\n' if element['system'] is not None: o = ''.join([o,f'System: {element["system"]}\n']) if element['min_players'] is not None: o = ''.join([o,f'Minimum Players: {str(element["min_players"])} ']) if element['max_players'] is not None: o = ''.join([o,f'Maximum Players: {str(element["max_players"])}\n']) if element['platform'] is not None: o = ''.join([o,f'Platform: {element["platform"]}\n']) o = ''.join([o,f'```']) spaces_remaining = element["max_players"] - element["current_players"] o = ''.join([o,f'~~Spaces Remaining: {str(0)}~~'])if spaces_remaining <= 0 else ''.join([o,f'Spaces Remaining: {str(spaces_remaining)}']) m = await content=o, components=[ create_actionrow( create_button(, label='Join', emoji='🉑', custom_id=f'join_{index}' ), create_button(, label='Leave', emoji='🈳', custom_id=f'leave_{index}' ) ) ] ) pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['messages'].append( r = discord.utils.find(lambda x: == element['role'],ctx.guild.roles) pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['roles'][index] = pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['indices'][] = index newcomer = returning_player = None if 'newcomer' in conf[guildStr]['roles']: newcomer = discord.utils.find(lambda x: == conf[guildStr]['roles']['newcomer'], ctx.guild.roles) if 'returning_player' in conf[guildStr]['roles']: returning_player = discord.utils.find(lambda x: == conf[guildStr]['roles']['returning_player'], ctx.guild.roles) buttons = [] if returning_player is not None: buttons.append( create_button( style= ButtonStyle.grey, label= 'Allow Returning Players', emoji= '🔁', custom_id='allow_returning' ) ) if newcomer is not None: buttons.append( create_button( style= ButtonStyle.grey, label= 'Allow Newcomers', emoji= '🆕', custom_id='allow_newcomers' ) ) buttons.append( create_button( style=, label= 'Allow All', emoji='🚪', custom_id='allow_all' ) ) buttons.append( create_button( style=, label= 'Close Pitches', emoji='🔒', custom_id='close_pitches' ) ) control = await content='_ _\n```Control Panel:\nFor Admin Use Only```', components=[ create_actionrow( *buttons ) ] ) pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['control'] = yaml_dump(pitches,pitchesFile) if self.client.get_cog('Pitch Listener') is None: loadCog(f'./{cogsDir}/events/secondary/') #### Activate global pitch listener def setup(client): client.add_cog(Pitch(client))