import os # OS Locations from dotenv import load_dotenv # Import OS variables from Dotenv file. load_dotenv() # Load Dotenv. Delete this for production import yaml # Parser for yaml files for config settings. import json # Json Library to manage json Data files import discord # Main Lib from discord.ext import commands # Commands module from discord_slash import SlashCommand, SlashContext, cog_ext, utils # Slash Command Library from discord_slash.utils.manage_commands import create_choice, create_option # Slash Command features import logging ## Define YAML functions def yaml_load(filepath): ### Loads a YAML file with open(filepath, 'r') as file: data = yaml.load(file) return data def yaml_dump(data, filepath): ### Dumps a YAML file with open(filepath, 'w') as file: yaml.dump(data, file) # Locate or create config File configFile = './data/config.yml' if not os.path.exists(configFile): yaml_dump({},configFile) # Locate Cogs Directory cogsDir = 'dev_cogs' ## Logging configuration imported boilerplate from Discord Py Docs logger = logging.getLogger('discord') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.FileHandler(filename='discord.log', encoding='utf-8', mode='w') handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s')) logger.addHandler(handler) # Define Clients client = commands.Bot( intents=discord.Intents.all(), command_prefix='¬' ) slash = SlashCommand( client, sync_commands = True, sync_on_cog_reload = True ) # sync_on_reload is an important parameter that will become relevant when having to reload cogs on changing bot configs. # Define Config keys configKeys = ['adminroles', 'botrole', 'modchannel', 'name', 'owner', 'prefix'] # Create list of guild IDs the bot is currently in # guild_ids = [864651943820525609] guild_ids = [] # Retrieve IDs from config file conf = yaml_load(configFile) for guild in conf: if int(guild) not in guild_ids: guild_ids.append(int(guild)) # Will check on bot ready if any other guilds are missing fron configs. @client.command(name='foobartest') async def foobartest(ctx): f = await utils.manage_commands.get_all_commands(,os.getenv('TEST_3_TOKEN'), print(f) def loadCommands(): for cogfile in os.listdir(f'./{cogsDir}/commands'):'Loading commands.') if cogfile.endswith('.py'): c = cogfile[:-3] client.load_extension(f'{cogsDir}.commands.{c}') print(f'Loaded Cog ./{cogsDir}/{c}')'Loaded Cog ./app/{cogsDir}/commands/{c}') def unloadCommands(): for cogfile in os.listdir(f'./{cogsDir}/commands'):'Unloading commands.') if cogfile.endswith('.py'): c = cogfile[:-3] client.unload_extension(f'{cogsDir}.commands.{c}') print(f'Unloaded Cog ./{cogsDir}/{c}')'Unloaded Cog ./{cogsDir}/commands/{c}') def reloadCommands(): unloadCommands() loadCommands() def loadAllCogs(): for cogfile in os.listdir(f'./{cogsDir}'):'Loading cogs.') if cogfile.endswith('.py'): c = cogfile[:-3] client.load_extension(f'{cogsDir}.{c}') print(f'Loaded Cog ./{cogsDir}/{c}')'Loaded Cog ./app/{cogsDir}/{c}') def unloadAllCogs(): for cogfile in os.listdir(f'./{cogsDir}'):'Unloading cogs.') if cogfile.endswith('.py'): c = cogfile[:-3] client.unload_extension(f'{cogsDir}.{c}') print(f'Unloaded Cog ./{cogsDir}/{c}')'Unloaded Cog ./{cogsDir}/{c}') def reloadAllCogs(): unloadAllCogs() loadAllCogs() loadAllCogs()'TEST_3_TOKEN'))