import os # OS Locations from dotenv import load_dotenv # Import OS variables from Dotenv file. load_dotenv() # Load Dotenv. Delete this for production import configparser # Config ini parser for Bot config files import json # Json Library to manage json Data files import discord # Main Lib from discord.ext import commands # Commands module from discord_slash import SlashCommand, SlashContext, cog_ext, utils # Slash Command Library from discord_slash.utils.manage_commands import create_choice, create_option # Slash Command features # Locate configuration file configFile = './data/config.ini' # Create empty list of current guilds, to be populated Bot load guild_ids = [] # Config keys configKeys = ['botrole', 'committeerole', 'modchannel', 'prefix'] # Bot Prefix Function for Regular String Prefix (non-Slash commands) def getPrefix(client,message): conf = configparser.ConfigParser() if in conf.sections(): if 'prefix' in conf[]: return conf[]['prefix'] pass # Define bot client and initialise Slash Command client client = commands.Bot(command_prefix= '¬', intents=discord.Intents.all()) # Regular client set up, but I did not know you could pass a function as a prefix! slash = SlashCommand(client, sync_commands=True) # Enable Slash Command Functionality # Starting Bot Initialisation @client.event async def on_guild_join(guild): pass # @slash.slash( # name='configure', # description='Configuration command to set up the various parameters for the bot on the server.' # guild_ids=guild_ids, # options = [ # create_option( # name='parameter1', # description='Please select the first parameter you would like to configure.', # type=3, # required=True # ) # ] # ) # On Ready @client.event async def on_ready(): print('Bot Ready') for guild in client.guilds: guild_ids.append( channel = discord.utils.get(guild.text_channels,position=1) print(channel) print(guild_ids) conf = configparser.ConfigParser() undef = [] if in conf.sections(): # Check if there are configs for the guild, and check if configs are complete for i in configKeys: if i not in conf[]: undef.append(i) if len(undef) == 0: # If none of the key values are undefined, ignore it. channel = discord.utils.get(guild.text_channels,id=conf[]['modchannel']) output = f'`{client.user.display_name}` has already been configured for the guild `{}`. \n' output = ''.join([output, f'The `botrole` for the guild `{}` is {discord.utils.get(guild.roles,id=conf[]["botrole"]).mention}\n']) output = ''.join([output, f'The `committeerole` for the guild `{}` is {discord.utils.get(guild.roles,id=conf[]["committeerole"]).mention}\n']) output = ''.join([output, f'The `modchannel` for the guild `{}` is {channel.mention}\n']) output = ''.join([output, f'The `prefix` for the guild `{}` is `{conf[]["prefix"]}`']) await channel.send(output) break if len(undef) == 0: undef = configKeys.copy() output = f'`{client.user.display_name}` has not been configured for the guild `{}`. Please define:\n' for u in undef: output = ''.join([output, f'`{u}`\n']) output = ''.join([output, f'using the `/configure` command.']) await channel.send(output) @slash.slash( name='hello', description='Hello World command', guild_ids=guild_ids, options = [ create_option( name='option', description='choose your word', required=True, option_type=3 ) ] ) async def _hello(ctx:SlashContext, option:str): await ctx.send(option) @slash.slash( name='mypfp', description='Displays profile picture', guild_ids=guild_ids ) async def pfp(ctx): embed = discord.Embed( title=f'Avatar of {}', color=discord.Color.teal() ).set_image( await ctx.send(embed=embed) class Cogs(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client @commands.command(description='Sends Pong') async def ping(self, ctx): await ctx.send('pong') @cog_ext.cog_slash(name='Ping', description='Sends Pong') async def ping(self, ctx): await ctx.send('pong') @client.command(name='foo') async def foo(ctx): f = await utils.manage_commands.get_all_commands(,os.getenv('TEST_3_TOKEN'), print(f) def setup(bot): client.add_cog(Cogs(client)) ###### Configuration Cog # class Configuration(commands.Cog): # def __init__(self, client): # self.client = client # @cog_ext.cog_slash( # # base='botrole', # # subcommand_group='configure', # name='configure', # description='Parameter to define the role that is assigned to the dice bots in this guild so they can access in-game text channels.', # # base_description='Command to configure the various guild parameters.', # # subcommand_group_description='These are configuration commands to set up the various guild parameters.', # guild_ids=guild_ids # # options=[ # # create_option( # # name='botrole', # # description='The role that the dice bots are assigned in order to access the text channels.' # # type=8, # # required=True # # ) # # ] # ) # async def _configure(self, ctx:SlashContext, option): # await ctx.send(f'The `botrole` for the guild `{}` has been set to `{option.mention}`.') # def setup(client): # client.add_cog(Configuration(client))'TEST_3_TOKEN')) # guilds = [ # 'guild1', # 'guild2', # 'guild3' # ] # configFile = './config.ini' # config = configparser.RawConfigParser() # for g in guilds: # config.add_section(g) # config.set(g,'botrole',f' for {g}') # config.set(g,'committeerole',f' for {g}') # with open(configFile,'w') as c: # config.write(c) # parser = configparser.ConfigParser() # # print(parser.sections()) # print(parser['guild1']['botrole'])