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58 lines
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import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv # Import OS variables from Dotenv file.
load_dotenv() # Load Dotenv. Delete this for production
import asyncio # Discord Py Dependency
import discord # Main Lib
from discord.ext import commands # Commands module
from discord_slash import SlashCommand, SlashContext, cog_ext, utils # Slash Command Library
from discord_slash.utils.manage_commands import create_choice, create_option # Slash Command features
from deepdiff import DeepDiff
from pprint import pprint
from bot import loadCog, unloadCog, cogsDir, checkConfig, parseConfigCheck, yaml_load, configFile
##### Control Cog
class Control(commands.Cog, name='Cog Control Commands'):
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
#### Check if user is an administrator
async def cog_check(self, ctx:commands.Context):
for role in ctx.author.roles:
if role.permissions.administrator:
return True
return ctx.author.guild_permissions.administrator
description='Toggles debug feature for the guild. Enter either `on` or `off`.',
brief='Toggle debug features.'
async def _debug(self, ctx:commands.Context, toggle:str):
if toggle.lower() == 'on':
await ctx.reply(f'```Debug commands enabled. Use them carefully.```')
elif toggle.lower() == 'off':
await ctx.reply(f'```Debug commands disabled.```')
raise commands.CommandError(message='Invalid argument.')
# await ctx.reply(f'```Invalid argument.```')
description='Tests the completeness of the configuration values of the current guild by comparing it to a configuration blueprint.',
brief='Tests config values for current guild.',
async def _testconfig(self, ctx:commands.Context):
status, output = checkConfig(ctx.guild)
conf = yaml_load(configFile)
if not status:
await ctx.reply(f"```The Bot's configurations are incomplete for the guild {ctx.guild.name}. Some limited functions will still be available, but most features cannot be used until the configurations are complete.\n{parseConfigCheck(output)}\nYou can set these configuration values using the `/config` command.```")
elif status:
await ctx.reply(f"```The Bot's configurations for the guild {ctx.guild.name} are in order. The Bot is ready to interact with the guild.```")
def setup(client):