import os # OS Locations import yaml # YAML parser for Bot config files import asyncio # Discord Py Dependency import discord # Main Lib from discord.ext import commands, tasks # Commands module from discord_slash import SlashCommand, SlashContext, cog_ext, utils # Slash Command Library from discord_slash.utils.manage_commands import create_choice, create_option # Slash Command features from datetime import datetime import logging # logger and handler from bot import configFile, yaml_load #### Actions the bot will take on messages being sent in the channel. ##### Message Listener Cog class on_message(commands.Cog, name='On Message Events'): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message(self,message): if or == message.guild.owner_id: return for role in if role.permissions.administrator: return conf = yaml_load(configFile) guild = message.guild guildStr = str( if 'notifications' in conf[guildStr]: if 'help' in conf[guildStr]['notifications']: if conf[guildStr]['notifications']['help']: if 'help' in conf[guildStr]['channels'] and 'committee' in conf[guildStr]['roles']: if == conf[guildStr]['channels']['help'] and isinstance(guild.get_role(conf[guildStr]['roles']['committee']), discord.Role): modChannel = self.client.get_channel(conf[guildStr]['channels']['mod']) committeeRole = guild.get_role(conf[guildStr]['roles']['committee']) embed = discord.Embed( title = f'[New Query in Help]({message.jump_url})', description = message.content, colour = ) embed.set_footer('%a %-d %b %y, %-I:%M %p')) embed.set_author(, await modChannel.send(f'{committeeRole.mention}\n```There has been a new help query posted.```\n{}` posted in `{}`.`', embed = embed) def setup(client): client.add_cog(on_message(client))