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2021-11-01 13:58:15 +00:00
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %} Home | Which Masks Playbook Are You? — a Personality Quiz {% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<h1>Home page</h1>
<h3 class="section-head">Background</h3>
This is a personality quiz to determine which playbook you are in the <em>Masks: a New Generation</em> table-top role-playing game. There are several personality quizzes out there for <em>D&amp;D</em>, and <a href="http://www.easydamus.com/character.html">this one by Easydamus</a> in particular inspired me. I thought it would be fun to make something similar for <em>Masks</em> as it is my favourite TRPG (more on that <a href="/masks">in the appropriate section</a>).
I began this project as a way of learning how to programme. I started with a farily rudimentary version of this quiz using JavaScript and html. The way that quiz worked was that it was processed on the client side, as the quiz logic was downloaded onto a browser and the scripts were run there. I had contemplated re-making the quiz using a server-side framework eventually, and in this version I taught myself how to make the quiz run on a server instead. I taught myself Python, Flask, and some rudimentary Jinja to make this.
If you want to take the quiz, you can do so here:
<a href="/quiz" class="btn btn-success take-quiz">Take the Quiz</a>
<h3 class="section-head">What is a Table-Top Role-Playing Game?</h3>
A table-top role-playing game is a collaborative story-telling game in which a group of players work together to tell a story, with a framework of rules that govern how players share narrative control and resolve uncertain outcomes.
The most famous TRPG is <em>Dungeons &amp; Dragons</em>, currently published by Wizards of the Coast. For decades, it has defined what this hobby has been perceived as becuase it is the most widely-played TRPG in the world and, as a consequence, is also most frequently referenced in pop culture. There are many other games out there &mdash; with different rulesets, settings, artwork, feel, and narrative purpose &mdash; coverying myriad genres of storytelling like fantasy, action, adventure, horror, sci-fi, cyberpunk, et cetera. Each of these games is referred to in the community as a game system.
<em>Masks</em> is another such role-playing game. Its specific hook is that it is about teenage superheroes who are juggling the emotional pressures of being a teenager with their awesome adventures of fighting villains. You can read more about <em>Masks</em> particularly in the relevant section.
The way these games work is players usually play characters through which they interact with the fictional world. These characters usually fall into a number of different archetypes depending on the system. The most common archetypes, or 'character classes', are from fantasy games like <em>D&amp;D</em>, like the Fighter, Wizard, Rogue, or Cleric. These classes in <em>D&amp;D</em> are determined by the various roles in a fantasy adventuring party that the characters play (with some loose narrative flavour around how their class is their calling in life). These archetypes also have some flavour text around common personality traits or tropes about them.
In <em>Masks</em>, the archetypes, referred to as 'playbooks', are all about being teenagers and getting up to teenage shenanigans. The archetypes are all determined by the personalities that the characters have. There are about 20 different archetypes to choose from, so naturally it can be really difficult to choose the one most suitable. So, I designed a personality quiz to help choose the best character archetype!
{% endblock %}