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2021-11-01 13:58:15 +00:00
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %} Your Results {% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<h1>Your Results</h1>
<a name="top-anchor"></a>
{% if results['selected_playbooks']|length > 1 %}
<h3>Your Playbooks are:</h3>
{% else%}
<h3>Your Playbook is:</h3>
{% endif %}
{%for playbook in results['selected_playbooks'] -%}
<div class="result">
<h4>The <span class="small-caps">{{ playbook[0]|upper }}{{ playbook[1:] }}</span></h4>
{% if playbook == 'joined' %}
You have duplicated The <span class="small-caps">{{ results['joined_cloned'][0]|upper }}{{ results['joined_cloned'][1:] }}</span>
{% endif %}
{{ playbooks[playbook]['flavour']|safe }}
{% set source = sources[playbooks[playbook]['source']] %}
<p>From the <em>{{ source['title'] }}</em> {{ source['type'] }} by {{ source['author'] }}, published by {{ source['publisher'] }} in {{ source['year'] }}.</p>
<strong><a href="#momentoftruth" title="Click to the the glossary." class="small-caps">Moment of Truth</a></strong>: {{ playbooks[playbook]['moment']|safe }}
<strong><span class="small-caps">Labels</span></strong>: <br />
{% for label in results['selected_playbooks'][playbook] -%}
<td class="right-padded-cell">
<strong><a href="#{{ label }}" title="Click to see the glossary." class="small-caps">{{ label[0]|upper}}{{ label[1:]}}</a></strong>:
<td class="label-score">
{{ results['selected_playbooks'][playbook][label] }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<h3 class="section-head">How You Fared:</h3>
This chart represents how many points you got for each playbook from the source books you selected in all the questions you answered.
<div class="graph">
{% for playbook in results['playbooks'] -%}
<td class="right-padded-cell">
{{ loop.index }}.
<td class="small-caps right-padded-cell">
The {{ playbook[0]|upper }}{{ playbook[1:] }}
<td class="right-padded-cell">
{{ (results['playbooks'][playbook]*100/results['max_score'])|round(0) }}&#37;
<span class="graph-column">{% for i in range( (results['playbooks'][playbook]*20/results['max_score'])|round(0, 'ceil')|int) -%}X{% endfor %}</span>
({{ results['playbooks'][playbook] }})
{% endfor %}
<div class="glossary">
<h3 class="small-caps section-head">
<h4 class="small-caps section-head">Labels</h4>
<p>In <em>Masks</em>, your character&rsquo;s attributes are defined by their &lsquo;labels&rsquo;. This is like the character ability scores in <em>D&amp;D</em>. Mechanically, it gives bonuses or penalties to your rolls. Narratively, it reflects your chances of success given your self image and your confidence in your abilities.</p>
<p>Because everyone plays a teenager, your labels are all about the different dimensions of your self image, and these labels keep shifting all the time as the story progresses and events change the way you see yourself. And this happens a <em>lot</em>. Because, teenagers.</p>
<p>Labels range on a scale of -2 to +3</p>
<tr class="wrapper-option">
<td class="right-padded-cell small-caps">
<a name="danger" href="#top-anchor" title="Back to the top">Danger</a>
{{ labels['danger']['flavour'] }}
{{ results['display_labels'].remove('danger') if results['display_labels'].remove('danger') is not none else '' }}
<tr class="wrapper-option">
<td class="right-padded-cell small-caps">
<a name="freak" href="#top-anchor" title="Back to the top">Freak</a>
{{ labels['freak']['flavour'] }}
{{ results['display_labels'].remove('freak') if results['display_labels'].remove('freak') is not none else '' }}
<tr class="wrapper-option">
<td class="right-padded-cell small-caps">
<a name="saviour" href="#top-anchor" title="Back to the top">Saviour</a>
{{ labels['saviour']['flavour'] }}
{{ results['display_labels'].remove('saviour') if results['display_labels'].remove('saviour') is not none else '' }}
<tr class="wrapper-option">
<td class="right-padded-cell small-caps">
<a name="superior" href="#top-anchor" title="Back to the top">Superior</a>
{{ labels['superior']['flavour'] }}
{{ results['display_labels'].remove('superior') if results['display_labels'].remove('superior') is not none else '' }}
<tr class="wrapper-option{% if results['display_labels']|length == 1 %} last-option{% endif %}">
<td class="right-padded-cell small-caps">
<a name="mundane" href="#top-anchor" title="Back to the top">Mundane</a>
{{ labels['mundane']['flavour'] }}
{{ results['display_labels'].remove('mundane') if results['display_labels'].remove('mundane') is not none else '' }}
{% for label in results['display_labels'] -%}
<tr class="right-padded-cell wrapper-option{% if loop.index == results['display_labels']|length %} last-option{% endif %}">
<td class="small-caps">
<a name="{{ label }}" href="#top-anchor" title="Back to the top">{{ label[0]|upper }}{{ label[1:] }}</a>
{{ labels[label]['flavour'] }}
{{ results['display_labels'].remove(label) if results['display_labels'].remove(label) is not none else '' }}
{% endfor %}
<h4 class="section-head">Your <a href="#top-anchor" class="small-caps" title="Back to the top" name="momentoftruth">Moment of Truth</a></h4>
In <em>Masks</em>, your <span class="small-caps">Moment of Truth</span> is a defining moment in your character&rsquo;s life when you are in the spotlight. All eyes are on you, and it is when you prove who you really are. For a moment, you grow into the best version of yourself and you show to everyone who you really are.
What this means mechanically is that, for one scene, you get to narrate what happens as per the script of your moment of truth. You take down a powerful threat, harness unbelievable power, or prove yourself to everyone watching. And then, it locks one of your <span class="small-caps">Labels</span>. That <span class="small-caps">Label</span> can no longer shift.
{% endblock %}