import secrets from datetime import datetime from uuid import uuid4 from flask import flash, jsonify import secrets from main import db from import encrypt class Test: def __init__(self, _id=None, start_date=None, expiry_date=None, time_limit=None, creator=None): self._id = _id self.start_date = start_date self.expiry_date = expiry_date self.time_limit = None if time_limit == 'none' or time_limit == '' else time_limit self.creator = creator def create(self): test = { '_id': self._id, 'date_created':, 'start_date': self.start_date, 'expiry_date': self.expiry_date, 'time_limit': self.time_limit, 'creator': encrypt(self.creator), 'test_code': secrets.token_hex(6).upper() } if db.tests.insert_one(test): flash(f'Created a new exam with Exam Code {self.render_test_code(test["test_code"])}.', 'success') return jsonify({'success': test}), 200 return jsonify({'error': f'Could not create exam. An error occurred.'}), 400 def add_time_adjustment(self, time_adjustment): code = { '_id': uuid4().hex, 'user_code': secrets.token_hex(2).upper(), 'time_adjustment': time_adjustment } if db.tests.find_one_and_update({'_id': self._id}, {'$push': {'time_adjustments': code}},upsert=False): return jsonify({'success': code}) return jsonify({'error': 'Failed to add the time adjustment. An error occurred.'}), 400 def remove_time_adjustment(self, _id): if db.tests.find_one_and_update({'_id': self._id}, {'$pull': {'time_adjustments': {'_id': _id} }}): message = 'Time adjustment has been deleted.' flash(message, 'success') return jsonify({'success': message}) return jsonify({'error': 'Failed to delete the time adjustment. An error occurred.'}), 400 def render_test_code(self, test_code): return '—'.join([test_code[:4], test_code[4:8], test_code[8:]]) def parse_test_code(self, test_code): return test_code.replace('—', '') def delete(self): if db.tests.delete_one({'_id': self._id}): message = 'Deleted exam.' flash(message, 'alert') return jsonify({'success': message}), 200 return jsonify({'error': f'Could not create exam. An error occurred.'}), 400 def update(self): test = {} updated = [] if not self.start_date == '' and self.start_date is not None: test['start_date'] = self.start_date updated.append('start date') if not self.expiry_date == '' and self.expiry_date is not None: test['expiry_date'] = self.expiry_date updated.append('expiry date') if not self.time_limit == '' and self.time_limit is not None: test['time_limit'] = self.time_limit updated.append('time limit') output = '' if len(updated) == 0: flash(f'There were no changes requested for your account.', 'alert'), 200 return jsonify({'success': 'There were no changes requested for your account.'}), 200 elif len(updated) == 1: output = updated[0] elif len(updated) == 2: output = ' and '.join(updated) elif len(updated) > 2: output = updated[0] for index in range(1,len(updated)): if index < len(updated) - 2: output = ', '.join([output, updated[index]]) elif index == len(updated) - 2: output = ', and '.join([output, updated[index]]) else: output = ''.join([output, updated[index]]) db.tests.find_one_and_update({'_id': self._id}, {'$set': test}) _output = f'The {output} of the test {"has" if len(updated) == 1 else "have"} been updated.' flash(_output) return jsonify({'success': _output}), 200