from flask import Blueprint, render_template, request, redirect, jsonify, session, abort, flash from flask.helpers import url_for from datetime import datetime, timedelta from uuid import uuid4 import os from json import loads from flask_mail import Message from pymongo.collection import ReturnDocument from main import app, db, mail from import encrypt from common.data_tools import generate_questions, evaluate_answers from import decrypt_find_one views = Blueprint( 'quiz_views', __name__, static_url_path='', template_folder='templates', static_folder='static' ) @views.route('/') @views.route('/home/') def home(): _id = session.get('_id') if _id and db.entries.find_one({'_id': _id}): return redirect(url_for('quiz_views.start_quiz')) return render_template('/quiz/index.html') @views.route('/instructions/') def instructions(): _id = session.get('_id') if _id and db.entries.find_one({'_id': _id}): return redirect(url_for('quiz_views.start_quiz')) return render_template('/quiz/instructions.html') @views.route('/start/', methods = ['GET', 'POST']) def start(): from .forms import StartQuiz form = StartQuiz() if request.method == 'GET': _id = session.get('_id') if _id and db.entries.find_one({'_id': _id}): return redirect(url_for('quiz_views.start_quiz')) return render_template('/quiz/start-quiz.html', form=form) if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate_on_submit(): name = { 'first_name': request.form.get('first_name'), 'surname': request.form.get('surname') } email = request.form.get('email') club = request.form.get('club') test_code = request.form.get('test_code').replace('—', '') user_code = request.form.get('user_code') user_code = None if user_code == '' else user_code test = db.tests.find_one({'test_code': test_code}) if not test: return jsonify({'error': 'The exam code you entered is invalid.'}), 400 if test['expiry_date'] + timedelta(days=1) < datetime.utcnow(): return jsonify({'error': f'The exam code you entered expired on {test["expiry_date"].strftime("%d %b %Y")} UTC.'}), 400 if test['start_date'] > datetime.utcnow(): return jsonify({'error': f'The exam has not yet opened. Your exam code will be valid from {test["start_date"].strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M")} UTC.'}), 400 entry = { '_id': uuid4().hex, 'name': encrypt(name), 'email': encrypt(email), 'club': encrypt(club), 'test_code': test_code, 'user_code': user_code } if db.entries.insert(entry): session['_id'] = entry['_id'] return jsonify({ 'success': 'Received and validated test and/or user code. Redirecting to test client.', '_id': entry['_id'] }), 200 else: errors = [*form.errors] return jsonify({ 'error': errors}), 400 @views.route('/api/questions/', methods=['POST']) def fetch_questions(): _id = request.get_json()['_id'] entry = db.entries.find_one({'_id': _id}) if not entry: return jsonify({'error': 'The data that the client sent to the server is invalid. This is possibly because you have already submitted your exam and have tried to access the page again.'}), 400 test_code = entry['test_code'] # user_code = entry['user_code'] TODO Implement functionality for adjustments test = db.tests.find_one({'test_code' : test_code}) time_limit = test['time_limit'] if time_limit: _time_limit = int(time_limit) end_delta = timedelta(minutes=_time_limit) end_time = datetime.utcnow() + end_delta else: end_time = None update = { 'start_time': datetime.utcnow(), 'status': 'started', 'end_time': end_time } entry = db.entries.find_one_and_update({'_id': _id}, {'$set': update}, upsert=False, return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER) dataset = test['dataset'] dataset_path = os.path.join(app.config['DATA_FILE_DIRECTORY'], dataset) with open(dataset_path, 'r') as data_file: data = loads( questions = generate_questions(data) return jsonify({ 'time_limit': end_time, 'questions': questions, 'start_time': entry['start_time'] }) @views.route('/test/') def start_quiz(): _id = session.get('_id') if not _id or not db.entries.find_one({'_id': _id}): print('Foo') flash('Your log in was not recognised. Please sign in to the quiz again.', 'error') return redirect(url_for('quiz_views.start')) return render_template('quiz/client.html') @views.route('/api/submit/', methods=['POST']) def submit_quiz(): _id = request.get_json()['_id'] answers = request.get_json()['answers'] entry = db.entries.find_one({'_id': _id}) if not entry: return jsonify('Unrecognised ID', 'error'), 400 status = 'submitted' if entry['end_time']: if datetime.utcnow() > entry['end_time'] + timedelta(minutes=2): status = 'late' test_code = entry['test_code'] test = db.tests.find_one({'test_code' : test_code}) dataset = test['dataset'] dataset_path = os.path.join(app.config['DATA_FILE_DIRECTORY'], dataset) with open(dataset_path, 'r') as _dataset: data = loads( results = evaluate_answers(data, answers) entry = db.entries.find_one_and_update({'_id': _id}, {'$set': { 'status': status, 'submission_time': datetime.utcnow(), 'results': results, 'answers': answers }}) return jsonify({ 'success': 'Your submission has been processed. Redirecting you to receive your results.', '_id': _id }), 200 @views.route('/result/') def result(): _id = session.get('_id') entry = decrypt_find_one(db.entries, {'_id': _id}) if not entry: return abort(404) score = round(100*entry['results']['score']/entry['results']['max']) tags_low = { tag: tag_result['max'] - tag_result['scored'] for tag, tag_result in entry['results']['tags'].items() } sorted_low_tags = sorted(tags_low.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) tag_output = [ tag[0] for tag in sorted_low_tags[0:3] if tag[1] > 3] if entry['results']['grade'] == 'pass': flavour_text_plain = """Well done on successfully completing the refereeing theory exam. We really appreciate members of our community taking the time to get qualified to referee. """ elif entry['results']['grade'] == 'merit': flavour_text_plain = """Congratulations on achieving a merit in the refereeing exam. We are delighted that members of our community work so hard with refereeing. """ elif entry['results']['grade'] == 'fail': flavour_text_plain = """Unfortunately, you were not successful in passing the theory exam in this attempt. We hope that this does not dissuade you, and that you try again in the future. """ email = Message( subject="SKA Refereeing Theory Exam Results", recipients=[entry['email']], body=f"""SKA Refereeing Theory Exam\n\n Candidate Results\n\n Dear {entry['name']['first_name']},\n\n This email is to confirm that you have took the SKA Refereeing Theory Exam. Your test has been evaluated and your results have been generated.\n\n {entry['name']['surname']}, {entry['name']['first_name']}\n\n Email Address: {entry['email']}\n {f"Club: {entry['club']}" if entry['club'] else ''}\n Date of Test: {entry['submission_time'].strftime('%d %b %Y')}\n Score: {score}%\n Grade: {entry['results']['grade']}\n\n {flavour_text_plain}\n\n Based on your answers, we would also suggest you brush up on the following topics as you continue refereeing:\n\n {','.join(tag_output)}\n\n Thank you for taking the time to get qualified as a referee.\n\n Best wishes,\n SKA Refereeing """, html=f"""

SKA Refereeing Theory Exam

Candidate Results

Dear {entry['name']['first_name']},

This email is to confirm that you have took the SKA Refereeing Theory Exam. Your test has been evaluated and your results have been generated.

{entry['name']['surname']}, {entry['name']['first_name']}

Email Address: {entry['email']}


Club: {entry['club']}

" if entry['club'] else ''}

Date of Test: {entry['submission_time'].strftime('%d %b %Y')}




Based on your answers, we would also suggest you revise the following topics as you continue refereeing:

Thank you for taking the time to get qualified as a referee.

Best wishes,
SKA Refereeing

""", ) mail.send(email) return render_template('/quiz/result.html', entry=entry, score=score, tag_output=tag_output) @views.route('/privacy/') def privacy(): return render_template('/quiz/privacy.html')