#!/usr/local/bin/python3.8 import tweepy import time import os import sys from datetime import datetime, timedelta import re import math print(datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S")) callback_uri = 'oob' # https://cfe.sh/twitter/callback auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(os.getenv('API_TOKEN'), os.getenv('API_KEY_SECRET'), callback_uri) auth.set_access_token(os.getenv('ACCESS_TOKEN'), os.getenv('ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET')) api = tweepy.API(auth) lastSeenFile = '/usr/src/app/last_seen.txt' def getLastSeen(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as fileRead: lastSeen = int(fileRead.read().strip()) return lastSeen def storeLastSeen(filename, lastSeen): with open(filename, 'w') as fileWrite: fileWrite.write(str(lastSeen)) return def searchTweets(query): print('Searching for tweets') lastSeen = getLastSeen(lastSeenFile) tweets = api.search(query, since_id=lastSeen) return tweets def interactions(): tweets = searchTweets('persevering') for tweet in reversed(tweets): if not tweets: print('No new tweets found.') return if re.search('what is.*if not.*persevering',tweet.text.lower()): if not tweet.text.lower().startswith('rt') and tweet.user != api.me(): print(f'Tweet {tweet.text} by @{tweet.author.screen_name}', flush = True) if not tweet.favorited: print('Not favourited.') # api.create_favorite(tweet.id) if not tweet.retweeted: print('Not retweeted.') # api.retweet(tweet.id) storeLastSeen(lastSeenFile, tweet.id) now = datetime.now() nextFifth = 5-(now.minute%5) later = (now + timedelta(minutes=nextFifth)).replace(second=0,microsecond=0) tdelta = later - datetime.now() sec = math.floor(tdelta.total_seconds()) print(f'Waiting until {later} for first search interaction cycle, sleeping for {sec} seconds.') time.sleep(sec) while True: interactions() print('Sleeping for 5 minutes') time.sleep(300)