Fully implemented /tcard command.
Bug fixes for member signup Added live update of game header message during pitches Documentation updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,6 +71,12 @@ These commands are locked until there is at least one game configured.
| `/player leave` | Removes the user issuing the command from the game they are in. This command `must be issued in a text channel associated with the game you are trying to leave`. |
| `/player remove <@player>` | Removes the user mentioned from the game. This command `must be issued in a text channel associated with the game you are trying to leave`. |
While this is not strictly a `/player` command, and it is housed in a separate cog, it has the same level of permissions and prerequisites as all the `/player` commands.
| Command | Description |
|`/tcard`| Invokes a T-Card in the game. This command also posts a graphic of the T-Card, tags the game's role, and pings a message in the appropriate voice channel.|
### Pitch Command
The `/pitch` command is used to run pitches for games on the server.
@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ in order for to authenticate as the correct bot.
| | |-- game_management.py
| | |-- manipulate_timeslots.py
| | |-- pitch.py
| | `-- player_commands.py
| | |-- player_commands.py
| | `-- tcard.py
| |-- data
| | |-- .gitkeep
| | |-- categories.yml
@ -66,13 +66,14 @@ class PitchListener(commands.Cog, name='Pitch Listener'):
if set([x.id for x in ctx.author.roles]) & set(pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['roles'].values()):
for r in list(set([x.id for x in ctx.author.roles]) & set(pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['roles'].values())):
role = ctx.guild.get_role(r)
rStr = str(role.id)
if role.id != pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['roles'][index]:
await ctx.author.remove_roles(role,reason=f'/pitch interaction by {ctx.author.display_name}')
i = pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['indices'][role.id]
element = pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['entries'][i]
gm = await self.client.fetch_user(element['gm'])
if ctx.author.id != lookup[guildStr][str(role.id)]['gm']:
data[guildStr][timeslot][str(role.id)]['current_players'] -= 1
if ctx.author.id != lookup[guildStr][rStr]['gm']:
data[guildStr][timeslot][rStr]['current_players'] -= 1
element['current_players'] -= 1
o = f'_ _\n***{element["game_title"]}*** (GM: {gm.mention})\n```\n'
if element['system'] is not None: o = ''.join([o,f'System: {element["system"]}\n'])
@ -84,9 +85,9 @@ class PitchListener(commands.Cog, name='Pitch Listener'):
o = ''.join([o,f'~~Spaces Remaining: {str(0)}~~'])if spaces_remaining <= 0 else ''.join([o,f'Spaces Remaining: {str(spaces_remaining)}'])
m = await ctx.channel.fetch_message(pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['messages'][i])
await m.edit(content=o)
tc = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == lookup[guildStr][str(role.id)]['text_channel'],ctx.guild.text_channels)
tc = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == lookup[guildStr][rStr]['text_channel'],ctx.guild.text_channels)
if tc is None:
c = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == lookup[guildStr][str(role.id)]['category'],ctx.guild.categories)
c = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == lookup[guildStr][rStr]['category'],ctx.guild.categories)
if c is not None:
tPos = len(ctx.guild.channels)
for t in c.text_channels:
@ -96,13 +97,15 @@ class PitchListener(commands.Cog, name='Pitch Listener'):
if tc is not None:
await tc.send(f'```{ctx.author.display_name} has left the game.```')
role = ctx.guild.get_role(pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['roles'][index])
rStr = str(role.id)
if role in ctx.author.roles:
await ctx.send(f'```Error: You are already in the game `{lookup[guildStr][str(role.id)]["game_title"]}`.```', hidden=True)
await ctx.send(f'```Error: You are already in the game `{lookup[guildStr][rStr]["game_title"]}`.```', hidden=True)
await ctx.author.add_roles(role,reason=f'/pitch interaction by {ctx.author.display_name}')
element = pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['entries'][index]
data[guildStr][timeslot][str(role.id)]['current_players'] += 1
element['current_players'] += 1
if ctx.author.id != lookup[guildStr][rStr]['gm']:
data[guildStr][timeslot][rStr]['current_players'] += 1
element['current_players'] += 1
gm = await self.client.fetch_user(element['gm'])
o = f'_ _\n***{element["game_title"]}*** (GM: {gm.mention})\n```\n'
if element['system'] is not None: o = ''.join([o,f'System: {element["system"]}\n'])
@ -114,10 +117,10 @@ class PitchListener(commands.Cog, name='Pitch Listener'):
o = ''.join([o,f'~~Spaces Remaining: {str(0)}~~'])if spaces_remaining <= 0 else ''.join([o,f'Spaces Remaining: {str(spaces_remaining)}'])
m = await ctx.channel.fetch_message(pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['messages'][index])
await m.edit(content=o)
await ctx.send(f'You have joined the game `{lookup[guildStr][str(role.id)]["game_title"]}`.',hidden=True)
tc = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == lookup[guildStr][str(role.id)]['text_channel'],ctx.guild.text_channels)
await ctx.send(f'You have joined the game `{lookup[guildStr][rStr]["game_title"]}`.',hidden=True)
tc = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == lookup[guildStr][rStr]['text_channel'],ctx.guild.text_channels)
if tc is None:
c = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == lookup[guildStr][str(role.id)]['category'],ctx.guild.categories)
c = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == lookup[guildStr][rStr]['category'],ctx.guild.categories)
if c is not None:
tPos = len(ctx.guild.channels)
for t in c.text_channels:
@ -126,15 +129,27 @@ class PitchListener(commands.Cog, name='Pitch Listener'):
tPos = t.position
if tc is not None:
await tc.send(f'```{ctx.author.display_name} has joined the game.```')
ts = lookup[guildStr][rStr]['time']
p = await tc.pins()
if p is not None:
header = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == data[guildStr][ts][rStr]['header_message'], p)
if header is not None:
text = header.content.split('\n')
for line, item in enumerate(text):
if 'Current Players: ' in item:
text[line] = f'Current Players: {str(data[guildStr][ts][rStr]["current_players"]) if data[guildStr][ts][rStr]["current_players"] is not None else str(0)}'
await header.edit(content='\n'.join(text))
elif ctx.custom_id.startswith('leave_'):
role = ctx.guild.get_role(pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['roles'][index])
rStr = str(role.id)
if role not in ctx.author.roles:
await ctx.send(f'```Error: You are not in the game `{lookup[guildStr][str(role.id)]["game_title"]}`.```', hidden=True)
await ctx.send(f'```Error: You are not in the game `{lookup[guildStr][rStr]["game_title"]}`.```', hidden=True)
await ctx.author.remove_roles(role,reason=f'/pitch interaction by {ctx.author.display_name}')
element = pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['entries'][index]
if ctx.author.id != lookup[guildStr][str(role.id)]['gm']:
data[guildStr][timeslot][str(role.id)]['current_players'] -= 1
if ctx.author.id != lookup[guildStr][rStr]['gm']:
data[guildStr][timeslot][rStr]['current_players'] -= 1
element['current_players'] -= 1
gm = await self.client.fetch_user(element['gm'])
o = f'_ _\n***{element["game_title"]}*** (GM: {gm.mention})\n```\n'
@ -147,10 +162,10 @@ class PitchListener(commands.Cog, name='Pitch Listener'):
o = ''.join([o,f'~~Spaces Remaining: {str(0)}~~'])if spaces_remaining <= 0 else ''.join([o,f'Spaces Remaining: {str(spaces_remaining)}'])
me = await ctx.channel.fetch_message(pitches[guildStr][timeslot]['messages'][index])
await me.edit(content=o)
await ctx.send(f'You have left the game `{lookup[guildStr][str(role.id)]["game_title"]}`.',hidden=True)
tc = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == lookup[guildStr][str(role.id)]['text_channel'],ctx.guild.text_channels)
await ctx.send(f'You have left the game `{lookup[guildStr][rStr]["game_title"]}`.',hidden=True)
tc = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == lookup[guildStr][rStr]['text_channel'],ctx.guild.text_channels)
if tc is None:
c = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == lookup[guildStr][str(role.id)]['category'],ctx.guild.categories)
c = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == lookup[guildStr][rStr]['category'],ctx.guild.categories)
if c is not None:
tPos = len(ctx.guild.channels)
for t in c.text_channels:
@ -159,6 +174,17 @@ class PitchListener(commands.Cog, name='Pitch Listener'):
tPos = t.position
if tc is not None:
await tc.send(f'```{ctx.author.display_name} has left the game.```')
ts = lookup[guildStr][rStr]['time']
p = await tc.pins()
if p is not None:
header = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == data[guildStr][ts][rStr]['header_message'], p)
if header is not None:
text = header.content.split('\n')
for line, item in enumerate(text):
if 'Current Players: ' in item:
text[line] = f'Current Players: {str(data[guildStr][ts][rStr]["current_players"]) if data[guildStr][ts][rStr]["current_players"] is not None else str(0)}'
await header.edit(content='\n'.join(text))
yaml_dump(data, dataFile)
yaml_dump(pitches, pitchesFile)
@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ class MemberVerification(commands.Cog, name='Member Verification Cog'):
if message.author.bot: return
if message.channel.id != conf[guildStr]['channels']['signup']: return
if not (message.attachments):
await message.channel.send(f'```Error: The message you posted in the `{message.channel.name}` channel of the guild `{message.guild.name}` was invalid. Your post must contain a screensot of your proof of purchase for membership.```')
await message.author.send(f'```Error: The message you posted in the `{message.channel.name}` channel of the guild `{message.guild.name}` was invalid. Your post must contain a screensot of your proof of purchase for membership.```')
await message.delete()
membership = [discord.utils.get(message.guild.roles, id=x) for x in conf[guildStr]['membership']]
membership_options = [create_select_option(label=x.name, value=str(x.id), description='Membership type.') for x in membership]
admin_buttons = []
if conf[guildStr]['roles'].get('student', None) is not None: admin_buttons.append(create_button(style=ButtonStyle.blurple, label='Student', emoji='📚', custom_id=f'student_{message.id}'))
admin_buttons.append(create_button(style=ButtonStyle.grey, label='Alert', emoji='⚠️', custom_id=f'alert_{message.id}'))
admin_buttons.append(create_button(style=ButtonStyle.grey, label='Review', emoji='⚠️', custom_id=f'review_{message.id}'))
admin_buttons.append(create_button(style=ButtonStyle.red, label='Deny', emoji='✖️', custom_id=f'deny_{message.id}'))
admin_buttons.append(create_button(style=ButtonStyle.green, label='Done', emoji='▶️', custom_id=f'done_{message.id}'))
o = f'```For Administrators: Please verify the membership request submitted by `{message.author.display_name}`.```'
@ -89,36 +89,36 @@ class MemberVerification(commands.Cog, name='Member Verification Cog'):
description = f'[Jup to Message]({submission.jump_url})',
colour = discord.Colour.red(),
await submission.channel.send(f'```Your membership for guild `{submission.guild.name}` could not be verified. Please make sure your name and the kind of membership that you have bought are visible in the screenshot you upload. Please contact a Committee member if you have any difficulties.```')
await submission.author.send(f'```Your membership for guild `{submission.guild.name}` could not be verified. Please make sure your name and the kind of membership that you have bought are visible in the screenshot you upload. Please contact a Committee member if you have any difficulties.```')
if conf[guildStr]['channels'].get('mod', None) is not None:
await submission.guild.get_channel(conf[guildStr]['channels']['mod']).send(f'```Verifying the membership of {submission.author.display_name} failed.```\n{admins}', embed=embed)
await ctx.origin_message.delete()
elif ctx.custom_id.startswith('alert_'):
await ctx.send(f'```Membership verification alert raised.```', hidden=True)
elif ctx.custom_id.startswith('review_'):
await ctx.send(f'```Membership review requested.```', hidden=True)
embed = discord.Embed(
title = submission.author.name,
description = f'[Jup to Message]({submission.jump_url})',
colour = discord.Colour.orange()
await submission.channel.send(f'```Your membership for guild `{submission.guild.name}` needs to be reviewed by a Committee member.```')
await submission.author.send(f'```Your membership for guild `{submission.guild.name}` needs to be reviewed by a Committee member.```')
if conf[guildStr]['channels'].get('mod', None) is not None:
await submission.guild.get_channel(conf[guildStr]['channels']['mod']).send(f'```There is a problem verifying the membership of {submission.author.display_name}.\nCould someone verify this person\'s membership manually via the EUSA portal?.```\n{admins}', embed=embed)
elif ctx.custom_id.startswith('student_'):
await ctx.send(f'````Student` role granted.```', hidden=True)
student_role = submission.guild.get_role(conf[guildStr]['roles']['student'])
await submission.author.add_roles(student_role, reason=f'Membership Verification: Student role assigned by `{ctx.author.display_name}`.')
await submission.channel.send(f'```You have additionally been assigned the role `Student` in the guild `{submission.guild.name}`.```')
await submission.author.send(f'```You have additionally been assigned the role `Student` in the guild `{submission.guild.name}`.```')
elif ctx.custom_id.startswith('membership_'):
[selected_membership] = ctx.selected_options
selected_role = ctx.guild.get_role(int(selected_membership))
if selected_role not in submission.author.roles:
await ctx.send(f'```Membership `{selected_role.name}` added to member `{submission.author.display_name}`.```', hidden=True)
await submission.author.add_roles(selected_role, reason=f'Membership Verification: Membership verified by `{ctx.author.display_name}`.')
await submission.channel.send(f'```Your membership for guild `{submission.guild.name}` has been verified and you have been assigned the role `{selected_role.name}`.```')
await submission.author.send(f'```Your membership for guild `{submission.guild.name}` has been verified and you have been assigned the role `{selected_role.name}`.```')
await ctx.send(f'```Membership `{selected_role.name}` removed from member `{submission.author.display_name}`.```', hidden=True)
await submission.author.remove_roles(selected_role, reason=f'Membership Verification: Membership removed by `{ctx.author.display_name}`.')
await submission.channel.send(f'```Your role `{selected_role.name}` has been removed in the guild `{submission.guild.name}`.```')
await submission.author.send(f'```Your role `{selected_role.name}` has been removed in the guild `{submission.guild.name}`.```')
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class PlayerCommands(commands.Cog, name='Player Commands'):
tc = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == lookup[guildStr][rStr]['text_channel'],ctx.guild.channels)
if tc is not None:
p = await tc.pins()
if p:
if p is not None:
header = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == hm, p)
if header is not None:
text = header.content.split('\n')
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ class PlayerCommands(commands.Cog, name='Player Commands'):
tc = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == lookup[guildStr][rStr]['text_channel'],ctx.guild.channels)
if tc is not None:
p = await tc.pins()
if p:
if p is not None:
header = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == hm, p)
if header is not None:
text = header.content.split('\n')
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ class TCardCommand(commands.Cog, name='T-Card Command'):
gms = yaml_load(gmFile)
categories = yaml_load(categoriesFile)
guildStr = str(ctx.guild.id)
# rStr = str(game.id)
embed = discord.Embed(
description='A T-Card Has Been Played',
@ -69,12 +68,9 @@ class TCardCommand(commands.Cog, name='T-Card Command'):
"""Do the audio thing."""
opus = discord.opus.load_opus('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libopus.so.0')
# discord.opus.load_opus()
# if not discord.opus.is_loaded():
# raise RuntimeError('Opus failed to load')
for vc in ctx.channel.category.voice_channels:
v = await vc.connect()
tcardaudio = discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(open("./assets/tcard.wav", "rb"))
tcardaudio = discord.PCMAudio(open("./assets/tcard.wav", "rb"))
while v.is_playing(): time.sleep(.1)
await v.disconnect()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user