• viveksantayana released this 2021-08-06 10:21:29 +01:00 | 6 commits to master since this release



    1. Re-built the bot using the python:slim Docker image instead of buster so it has a much smaller footprint.
    2. Reduced the number of nltk datasets the setup installs as the Bot only really needs wordnet to run now that the list of words has been generated.
    3. Combined multiple Dockerfile steps into a single instruction to reduce the number of layers in the image, hopefully reducing its overall size.
    4. Removed log files from git repo.

    The result of this is that the final image is ca 300 MB in size, compared to ca 8 GB previously.
    This means I should hopefully be able to continue hosting it.

    Bot Functioning

    1. Added a check to see if log files are present, and if not create a blank log file, to avoid exceptions from using repo clones that do not have log files.
    2. Fixed a bug regarding Tweet interactions (see below).
    3. Deleted the comma from the tweet post template so that the tweets scan better.

    Tweet Interaction Bug

    There is a well-known limitation in the Tweepy API that tweets fetched in search results do not indicate whether a tweet has already been favourited or re-tweeted. This causes the bot to throw exceptions if it attempts to like or retweet a tweet it has already interacted with in this way. As a work-around, I have added a command to fetch the full tweet from the id of the verion fetched in the search result to prevent this exception.
