forked from viveksantayana/geas-bot
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0f447264ec |
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from discord_slash import SlashCommand, SlashContext, cog_ext, utils # Slash C
from discord_slash.utils.manage_commands import create_choice, create_option # Slash Command features
import logging
# logger and handler
from bot import configFile, yaml_load, yaml_dump
from bot import configFile, yaml_load, yaml_dump, dataFile, lookupFile, gmFile, categoriesFile, unloadCog, cogsDir
##### Actions for the bot to take whenever there is a new role deleted.
@ -17,11 +17,71 @@ class on_guild_role_delete(commands.Cog, name='On Guild Role Delete Events'):
async def on_guild_role_delete(self, role):
conf = yaml_load(configFile)
gms = yaml_load(gmFile)
categories = yaml_load(categoriesFile)
lookup = yaml_load(lookupFile)
data = yaml_load(dataFile)
guildStr = str(
rStr = str(
#### Bot will only respond if the role is not a bot-managed role, and the role is an admin role
if in conf[str(]['roles']['admin']:
if in conf[guildStr]['roles']['admin']:
yaml_dump(conf, configFile)
#### If the role is one of the Admin roles and is deleted, updates the bot's config to delete that role, preventing unnecessary roles from accumulating.
#### Bot will delete membership type if the membership role is deleted.
if in conf[guildStr]['membership']:
yaml_dump(conf, configFile)
if not any([x['membership'] for x in yaml_load(configFile).values()]):
await self.client.slash.sync_all_commands()
#### Synchronising with the Game Creation Process
# Whenever a game role is deleted, the Bot will update the guild's configurations and channels to match.
if rStr in lookup[guildStr]:
game_title = lookup[guildStr][rStr]['game_title']
time = lookup[guildStr][rStr]['time']
c = role.guild.get_channel(lookup[guildStr][rStr]['category'])
gm = await role.guild.fetch_member(lookup[guildStr][rStr]['gm'])
del data[guildStr][time][rStr]
channelsFound = False
if c is not None:
channelsFound = True
for t in role.guild.text_channels:
if t.category == c:
await t.delete(reason=f'Role Delete Event Listener: Synchronising with deletion of role `{}`')
for v in role.guild.voice_channels:
if v.category == c:
await v.delete(reason=f'Role Delete Event Listener: Synchronising with deletion of role `{}`')
del categories[guildStr][str(]
await c.delete(reason=f'Role Delete Event Listener: Synchronising with deletion of role `{}`')
lookup[guildStr].pop(rStr, None)
output = f'The game `{game_title}` for timeslot `{conf[guildStr]["timeslots"][time]}` and with GM `{gm.display_name}` has been deleted.'
if channelsFound:
output = ''.join([output,' All associated text, voice, and category channels have been deleted.'])
output = ''.join([output,' No associated text, voice, or category channels were found. Please delete them manually if they still persist.'])
if 'mod' in conf[guildStr]['channels'] and 'committee' in conf[guildStr]['roles']:
c = discord.utils.find(lambda x: == conf[guildStr]['channels']['mod'], role.guild.channels)
await c.send(
content = f'```{output}```'
if not gms[guildStr][str(]: del gms[guildStr][str(]
if not data[guildStr][time]: del data[guildStr][time]
yaml_dump(lookup, lookupFile)
yaml_dump(data, dataFile)
yaml_dump(gms, gmFile)
yaml_dump(categories, categoriesFile)
if not any([x for x in yaml_load(lookupFile).values()]):
if self.client.get_cog('Player Commands') is not None: unloadCog(f'./{cogsDir}/slashcommands/secondary/')
if self.client.get_cog('Pitch Command') is not None: unloadCog(f'./{cogsDir}/slashcommands/secondary/')
await self.client.slash.sync_all_commands()
def setup(client):
@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ from discord.ext import commands # Commands module
from discord_slash import SlashCommand, SlashContext, cog_ext, utils # Slash Command Library
from discord_slash.utils.manage_commands import create_choice, create_option # Slash Command features
import logging
import re
# logger and handler
from bot import configFile, yaml_load, yaml_dump
from bot import configFile, yaml_load, yaml_dump, gmFile, categoriesFile, lookupFile, dataFile
##### Actions for the bot to take whenever there is a new role deleted.
@ -17,18 +18,56 @@ class on_guild_role_update(commands.Cog, name='On Guild Role Update Events'):
async def on_guild_role_update(self, before, after):
conf = yaml_load(configFile)
#### If the original role is in the config as an admin role, and it subsequently is run by a bot or is not an admin, remove it from config
gms = yaml_load(gmFile)
categories = yaml_load(categoriesFile)
lookup = yaml_load(lookupFile)
data = yaml_load(dataFile)
guildStr = str(
rStr = str(
#### If the original role is in the config is an admin role, and it subsequently is run by a bot or is not an admin, remove it from config
if in conf[str(]['roles']['admin']:
if after.is_bot_managed() or after.is_integration() or not after.permissions.administrator:
yaml_dump(conf, configFile)
#### If the new role is an admin and is not already in the config, add it.
if not (after.is_bot_managed() or after.is_integration()) and after.permissions.administrator:
if not in conf[str(]['roles']['admin']:
yaml_dump(conf, configFile)
#### If the role is one of the Admin roles and is deleted, updates the bot's config to delete that role, preventing unnecessary roles from accumulating.
#### If the role is one of the Admin roles and is stripped of admin permissions, updates the bot's config to delete that role, preventing unnecessary roles from accumulating.
#### If the original role is a game role:
if rStr in lookup[guildStr]:
#### Suppress invalid changes
revert = {}
# Check name change
if !=
if ': ' not in revert['name'] =
if': ', maxsplit=1)[0].lower() not in conf[guildStr]['timeslots']: revert['name'] =
# Check role colour
if before.colour != after.colour: revert['colour'] = before.colour
# Check role hoist
if before.hoist != after.hoist: revert['hoist'] = before.hoist
# Check role mentionable
if before.mentionable != after.mentionable: revert['mentionable'] = before.mentionable
# Check role permissions
if before.permissions != after.mentionable: revert['permissions'] = before.permissions
#### Suppress changes if the new settings are invalid
if revert:
revert['reason'] = 'Role Update Event Listener: Suppressing permission change for game role.'
await after.edit(**revert)
def setup(client):
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class Configuration(commands.Cog, name='Configuration Commands'):
if self.client.get_cog('Player Commands') is None:
flag = True
if self.client.get_cog('Pitch') is None:
if self.client.get_cog('Pitch Command') is None:
flag = True
if flag: await self.client.slash.sync_all_commands()
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ class Configuration(commands.Cog, name='Configuration Commands'):
if self.client.get_cog('Player Commands') is None:
Flag = True
if self.client.get_cog('Pitch') is None:
if self.client.get_cog('Pitch Command') is None:
Flag = True
if flag: await self.client.slash.sync_all_commands()
@ -53,13 +53,9 @@ class EditMembership(commands.Cog, name='Edit Membership'):
if 'membership' not in conf[str(]:
conf[str(]['timeslots'] = {}
if in conf[str(]['membership']:
yaml_dump(conf, configFile)
await ctx.send(f'```Membership type {} has been deleted for the guild `{}`.```')
await role.delete(reason=f'`/config membership remove` command issued by `{}`.')
if not any([x['membership'] for x in yaml_load(configFile).values()]):
await self.client.slash.sync_all_commands()
#### Bot will delete the membership role. Then the on_guild_role_delete event listener will synchronise the configurations.
elif conf[str(]['membership']:
output = f'Role `{}` is not a registered membership role in the guild `{}`. Please select a valid membership role.\n\n Eligible roles are:\n'
for m in conf[str(]['membership']:
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ class GameCreate(commands.Cog, name='Game Create'):
if self.client.get_cog('Player Commands') is None:
flag = True
if self.client.get_cog('Pitch') is None:
if self.client.get_cog('Pitch Command') is None:
flag = True
if flag: await self.client.slash.sync_all_commands()
@ -17,10 +17,7 @@ class GameManagement(commands.Cog, name='Game Management'):
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
conf = yaml_load(configFile)
lookup = yaml_load(lookupFile)
data = yaml_load(dataFile)
guild_ids= [ int(x) for x in list(lookup)]
### Move delete, Modify, and Reset commands to a separate secondary cog to enable when games exist?
@ -63,45 +60,11 @@ class GameManagement(commands.Cog, name='Game Management'):
game_title = lookup[guildStr][rStr]['game_title']
time = lookup[guildStr][rStr]['time']
c = ctx.guild.get_channel(lookup[guildStr][rStr]['category'])
gm = lookup[guildStr][rStr]['gm']
channelsFound = False
del data[guildStr][time][rStr]
if c is not None:
channelsFound = True
for t in ctx.guild.text_channels:
if t.category == c:
await t.delete(reason=f'/game delete command issued by `{}`')
for v in ctx.guild.voice_channels:
if v.category == c:
await v.delete(reason=f'/game delete command issued by `{}`')
del categories[guildStr][str(]
await c.delete(reason=f'/game delete command issued by `{}`')
lookup[guildStr].pop(rStr, None)
gm_m = await ctx.guild.fetch_member(gm)
output = f'The game `{game_title}` for timeslot `{conf[guildStr]["timeslots"][time]}` and with GM `{gm_m.display_name}` has been deleted.'
if channelsFound:
output = ''.join([output,' All associated text, voice, and category channels have been deleted.'])
output = ''.join([output,' No associated text, voice, or category channels were found. Please delete them manually if they still persist.'])
if 'mod' in conf[guildStr]['channels'] and 'committee' in conf[guildStr]['roles']:
c = discord.utils.find(lambda x: == conf[guildStr]['channels']['mod'], ctx.guild.channels)
await c.send(
content = f'```{output}```'
gm = await ctx.guild.fetch_member(lookup[guildStr][rStr]['gm'])
output = f'The game `{game_title}` for timeslot `{conf[guildStr]["timeslots"][time]}` and with GM `{gm.display_name}` has been deleted.'
await ctx.send(f'```Game `{game_title}` has been deleted.```', hidden=True)
await game_role.delete(reason=f'/game delete command issued by `{}`')
if not gms[guildStr][str(gm)]: del gms[guildStr][str(gm)]
if not data[guildStr][time]: del data[guildStr][time]
yaml_dump(lookup, lookupFile)
yaml_dump(data, dataFile)
yaml_dump(gms, gmFile)
yaml_dump(categories, categoriesFile)
if not any([x for x in yaml_load(lookupFile).values()]):
if self.client.get_cog('Player Commands') is not None: unloadCog(f'./{cogsDir}/slashcommands/secondary/')
if self.client.get_cog('Pitch') is not None: unloadCog(f'./{cogsDir}/slashcommands/secondary/')
await self.client.slash.sync_all_commands()
#### Bot will delete the game role. The on_guild_role_delete event listener will then recognise this deletion and synchronise the categories and data files accordingly.
@ -197,12 +160,9 @@ class GameManagement(commands.Cog, name='Game Management'):
rStr = str(
old_time = lookup[guildStr][rStr]['time']
time = re.sub(r"\W+",'', timeslot[:9].lower()) if timeslot else old_time
if guildStr not in lookup:
lookup[guildStr] = {}
if guildStr not in data:
data[guildStr] = {}
if time not in data[guildStr]:
data[guildStr][time] = {}
if guildStr not in lookup: lookup[guildStr] = {}
if guildStr not in data: data[guildStr] = {}
if time not in data[guildStr]: data[guildStr][time] = {}
# Command Validation Checks
if rStr not in lookup[guildStr]:
await ctx.send(f'```Error: This is not a valid game role. Please mention a role that is associated with a game.```',hidden=True)
@ -416,18 +376,9 @@ class GameManagement(commands.Cog, name='Game Management'):
async def purgeGames(ctx:SlashContext, timeslot:str):
for g in list(data[guildStr][timeslot].values()):
c = discord.utils.find(lambda x: == g['category'], ctx.guild.categories)
r = discord.utils.find(lambda x: == g['role'], ctx.guild.roles)
for x in c.channels:
await x.delete(reason=f'/game purge command issued by `{}`')
del categories[guildStr][str(]
await c.delete(reason=f'/game purge command issued by `{}`')
await r.delete(reason=f'/game purge command issued by `{}`')
if not gms[guildStr][str(g['gm'])]:
del gms[guildStr][str(g['gm'])]
del lookup[guildStr][str(]
del data[guildStr][timeslot]
#### Bot will delete the game role. The on_guild_role_delete event listener will then recognise this deletion and synchronise the categories and data files accordingly.
if 'timeslots' not in conf[guildStr]: conf[guildStr]['timeslots'] = {}
tsDict = {k: conf[guildStr]['timeslots'][k] for k in data[guildStr] if data[guildStr][k]}
@ -549,15 +500,6 @@ class GameManagement(commands.Cog, name='Game Management'):
await c.send(
content = f'```All games for time slot `{conf[guildStr]["timeslots"][timeslot]}` have been purged.```'
if not any([x for x in yaml_load(lookupFile).values()]):
if self.client.get_cog('Player Commands') is not None: unloadCog(f'./{cogsDir}/slashcommands/secondary/')
if self.client.get_cog('Pitch') is not None: unloadCog(f'./{cogsDir}/slashcommands/secondary/')
await self.client.slash.sync_all_commands()
def setup(client):
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class ManipulateTimeslots(commands.Cog, name='Manipulate Timeslots'):
if self.client.get_cog('Player Commands') is not None:
if self.client.get_cog('Pitch') is not None:
if self.client.get_cog('Pitch Command') is not None:
await self.client.slash.sync_all_commands()
@ -1 +1,5 @@
'864651943820525609': {}
'868432993251885067': 868432992165560360
'868436813860184095': 868436812148908112
'868437806064750602': 868437804575756288
'868437891397849119': 868437889799823441
Reference in New Issue
Block a user